Shutoff Streetlights Worry SJ Neighborhoods

By Janice Rombeck NeighborWebSJ editor

X indicates light is shut off indefinitely.

See a burned out streetlight near your neighborhood? You can report it to San Jose’s transportation department, but it could be one of 900 lights turned off indefinitely.

The money-saving measure is not popular with some residents who question the location of the […]

Future Funding for SN Could Include TIF

Watch the CNAC meeting on YouTube

The Coalition for Neighborhood Action Coalitions meeting in December focused on the future on Strong Neighborhoods, including funding. Strong Neighborhoods Director Kip Harkness gave an overview of tax increment financing, a potential funding source. A plan is in the works to amend the Redevelopment Plan for Strong Neighobrhoods to […]

Key to Community Policing: Relationships

While agreeing that community policing can be defined as a partnership between police officers and residents, a panel of public safety experts and community members were not so certain about how to make those partnerships happen.

Hosted by the American Leadership Forum Silicon Valley, “Creating a Safer San Jose: Community Policing” at the Roosevelt […]