SNI Leaders Renew Plan With New Goals

More than 120 Strong Neighborhoods Initiative Neighborhood Action Coalition members and SNI staff launched the program’s next phase on Monday, March 29, with a two-hour work session at City Hall to set goals and renew SNI’s spirit of collaboration.

The SNI Business Plan meeting focused on four goals that that were determined through conversations with NAC leaders and staff members: Removing Barriers to Neghborhood Action; Stabilizing Neighborhoods in Crisis; Neighborhood Action; and Connect Resources to Priorities.

Small group dicussions on these topics resulted in hundreds of ideas from leaders in neighborhoods across San Jose. At the end of the discussions, each participant was asked to write the most important thing they heard during the discussion on a large Post-It note and place it on the wall. SNI staff will compile the results along with other ideas that emerged from the work session in a report that will be distributed to participants.

The feedback from residents also will form the foundation of a SNI Business Plan to be given to San Jose City Manager Deb Figone and San Jose Redevelopment Agency Executive Director Harry Mavrogenes before thebudget proposals are completed..

The next work session is set for May 17 and will focus on putting the ideas into action.

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